Privacy policy People 21 B.V.

We are aware that you put your trust in us. We therefore see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy.

In this Privacy Statement we let you know what data we collect and record when you use our websites and/or register with People 21 B.V. and/or its subsidiaries: DDD Personeel B.V., DDD Services B.V., DDD Personeel II B.V, DDD Personeel III B.V. Stay 21, Stipt Uitzendbureau, Q Uitzendbureau, People 21 Services B.V., Qualis Domum, Delta 21, Stipt Intermediair, Stipt Employment Services, Quality Uitzendbureau B.V. and Quality Uitzendbureau1, hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘People 21 B.V.’ and why we collect this data.

We also clarify to whom the data is provided and who is allowed to process it. So you understand exactly how we work.

Careful handling of personal data is of great importance to People 21 B.V.. Personal data are therefore carefully processed and secured. We work with well-secured information systems and clear, transparent privacy statements. In doing so, we comply with the laws and regulations on the protection of personal data, such as the Personal Data Protection Act and – with effect from 25 May 2018 – the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG).

When you visit our website, request information through our website and/or register with us, purchase a service or contact us by telephone, we record personal data about you. This privacy statement strives to inform you about this processing of your personal data.

Controller of personal data processing
People 21 B.V., located at De Brauwweg 20, in (3125 AE) Schiedam and together with its subsidiaries operating under People 21 B.V. has been designated as the data controller for the processing of personal data,

People 21 B.V. is therefore the controller of the processing of personal data falling within the scope of this privacy statement.

People 21 B.V., as controller, determines the purposes and means of processing and is responsible for compliance with legal requirements.

People 21 B.V. sometimes engages other companies to perform services for it. People 21 B.V. remains responsible for processing your personal data in these situations. People 21 B.V. makes contractual agreements with these companies regarding the handling of your personal data so that your privacy remains guaranteed.

Collection of personal data does this apply?
We collect personal data from:
– from visitors and users of the website
– from applicants, (potential) candidates, customer participants or other persons;

When you visit our website, we collect information related to the type of device, browser and how you use our website or app. This information helps us to improve the website, for your convenience and to provide you with the best possible service.

We process the information:
-with your consent;
-in order to properly execute the agreement and/or terms of use we have agreed with you;

We collect and process your data for the performance of our hr services, including mediation, temping, recruitment & selection, hiring and on-lending, personal development and employability, reintegration, consultancy, planning and personnel and payroll administration.

Purposes of processing personal data
People 21 B.V. processes your personal data for various purposes. People 21 B.V. processes only the personal data necessary for that purpose.

The following purposes apply to People 21 B.V.’s processing of personal data:

  • To be able to contact you
  • To send you information
  • To enter into and perform agreements, including but not limited to employment contracts and hiring agreements
  • To perform administration
  • To comply with legal obligations

Furthermore, we use your personal data for relationship management and activities to increase our database of candidates, employees, suppliers, customers/clients and other relations of and involved with People 21 B.V. and to inform you about our activities.

Legal grounds for processing personal data
Under current privacy legislation, People 21 B.V. may only process personal data if the processing is based on legal grounds. People 21 B.V. applies the following legal bases for processing personal data:

  • In connection with the formation and/or performance of a contract
  • To comply with the law (including accounting processing, tax obligations and obligations under court orders or other mandatory laws and regulations)
  • Based on our legitimate business interests to the extent permitted by laws and regulations and your privacy.

Where and when do we collect personal data?

You can share your personal data with People 21 B.V. in several ways, for example by:

  • You visiting our website
  • Registering you for work our branches
  • Applying for a job through our website
  • Entering into an employment contract with us
  • Registering or being registered by other means to use our services or to provide you with a service.
  • Communicating with People 21 B.V. about a service, for example the questions you have asked us or requests you have made.
  • Contacting one of People 21 B.V.’s employees by email, phone or in writing.
  • Participating in a social media activity (for example, by clicking ‘Like’ or ‘Share’) or signing up via your social media account
  • Cookies stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit our websites

Why do we collect data and what data do we collect?

We process personal data necessary for our services; some of this data is mandatory to use our services. Without this data, we cannot perform our services.
In general, our website can be visited without your personal data being transmitted to us. As soon as you provide data to us, by filling in a form, making an application or registering, we process the data you provide to us.

We collect and process your data for the performance of our services, including; mediation, staffing, consultancy, planning and personnel and payroll administration.

Additional data may be desirable to better tailor our services to your wishes, qualities and/or availability or to meet more specific questions or obligations regarding the position and/or from clients. We ask you only to provide us with information that is accurate and relevant.

What personal data of business relations do we process?

We also process personal data of business relations. This usually concerns the contact details of employees of clients, suppliers, subcontractors (e.g. data processors) who provide services or execute assignments on its behalf, and referrers and other entities with which People 21 B.V. maintains a business relationship. Usually this concerns the names, contact details and functions of contact persons for the purpose of making offers on services and other activities, maintaining the business relationship and/or entering into an assignment agreement.

When you register with us, we collect the following data:

  • Name, e-mail address, telephone and other contact details
  • Date of birth, place of birth
  • Gender
  • Your work experience and education and training
  • Any references or certificates provided (and copy of front of driving licence if applicable)
  • Your motivation
  • Marital status
  • Availability
  • Photo or video (on a voluntary basis)

From the moment you start working for us:

  • BSN
  • Copy of ID proof, work permit
  • Bank account number
  • Nationality
  • Other data required for personnel, salary and absence registration

Login details personal account

Exchange of personal data

1. Passing on and receiving personal data within People 21 B.V.

People 21 B.V. may exchange your (personal) data within the various departments and subsidiaries that fall under People 21 B.V..

People 21 B.V. ensures that within its departments and companies the European standards of data protection are applied to personal data.

People 21 B.V. cannot be held liable if it has to provide personal data to authorities, in accordance with applicable legal obligations.

  1. Transferring and receiving data outside People 21 B.V.The purpose of processing your personal data may involve us sharing personal data with other organisations, such as clients for whom we may introduce you. Insofar as you have not given your explicit permission for this or there is no legal obligation to do so, this exchange of data will only take place if this is necessary for the execution of the agreement between you and People 21 B.V. or if People 21 B.V. has a legitimate interest in this exchange, whereby People 21 B.V. will always take your privacy interests into account, or in other cases in which we are obliged to do so, for example by a court order or a court judgment. Insofar as necessary, People 21 B.V. will conclude a processing agreement with third parties.
  1. Transferring and receiving data outside the Netherlands
    Your personal data may be transferred or stored outside the Netherlands. People 21 B.V. has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the personal data transferred is adequately protected. Your personal data may be sent to and processed in one or more countries within or outside the European Union. We will only transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU where People 21 B.V. has taken appropriate security measures to ensure the privacy of your data.

Access to data other than by disclosure

People 21 B.V. gives conditional access to third parties, being paying clients, so that People 21 B.V.’s database can be searched for suitable candidates on a limited number of personal data. These clients are: employers, recruiters, recruitment and selection managers, headhunters, personnel officers etc. You can remove your CV from the database at any time if you do not (or no longer) appreciate this.

People 21 B.V. uses automatically generated data for statistical purposes as well as for security and improvement of People 21 B.V. These data are provided to third parties to the extent they are completely anonymised and not traceable to you. People 21 B.V. will, except in the cases mentioned here in this Privacy Statement, not provide your personal data to third parties without your prior consent.

Security of personal data

People 21 B.V. makes every effort to optimally secure your personal data against unlawful use. We do this by means of physical, administrative, organisational and technical measures. For example: only authorised persons have access to the data. If and insofar as data are provided to data processors who provide services or carry out assignments on its behalf, People 21 B.V. has agreed with them that they will also optimally secure the personal data.

Retention of personal data

People 21 B.V. retains personal data no longer than necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data are processed, and in any case as long as specific regulations require.

Candidates (if you have not worked for People21 B.V.)
Your data (CV, education, work experience, etc.) are available until two years after the last contact if you have not worked for People 21 B.V. You will be notified by us both one year after the last contact and two years after the last contact that you are registered with us.

If you no longer wish to be mediated, please send an e-mail to

Cookies and automatic decision-making
What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of (text) information that a server sends to the browser with the intention that the browser will send this information back the next time you visit. Cookies from People 21 B.V. cannot damage your computer or files. People 21 B.V. only places cookies that are necessary for the performance of the services. If other cookies need to be placed, we ask your prior consent. Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is sent. However, some features and services, on our and other websites, may not function correctly if cookies are disabled in your browser.

Our websites use cookies to help the website analyse how users use the website. This information consists of: your IP address, browser type, the computer system you use, account number, the pages you visit on People 21 B.V. The information obtained is then used to make the website work properly (keeping track of logged-in users, session information, etc.) In addition, by means of cookies, we collect information about surfing behaviour on our website, which is also used to optimise our website. People 21 B.V. does not place cookies for the benefit of other parties, such as advertising networks.

Automated decision-making
People 21 B.V. does not make any decisions about matters that could (significantly) affect individuals on the basis of automated processing. These are decisions that are made by computer programmes or systems, without a human being (e.g. an employee of People 21 B.V.) being involved.

Transfer abroad
People 21 B.V. uses, inter alia, Google Analytics. Google’s servers are located outside the European Union. Agreements have now been made with the US to comply with the minimum EU Privacy Agreements. People 21 B.V. also uses Visual Website Optimizer. People 21 B.V. chooses these parties carefully and endeavours to work only with parties that comply with European privacy legislation.

Your privacy rights
We are committed to ensuring that you can easily exercise your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. If you wish to exercise any of the rights you are entitled to and listed below, you can contact us as described below.

Inspection and/or modification of data
You can ask us at any time via or by letter addressed to: De Brauwweg 20-30, 3125 AE Schiedam requesting us to indicate which (categories of) data we process about you, for which purposes, from which source the data originate and which retention periods are used by us.

In addition, you can contact us at any time to supplement, correct or delete your data. In the unlikely event that we have provided you with incorrect personal data, we will rectify this.

When we have changed your personal data, we will inform you.

Limiting processing of your data
If you do not agree with the content of the data we hold on you, you can submit a request to temporarily restrict the processing of your data. We will then wait to distribute your data until, in your opinion, it is back in order. You may submit a request for a processing restriction at any time at or by letter to the address: De Brauwweg 20-30, 3125 AE Schiedam.

When we restrict processing of your personal data, we will notify you.

Right to transfer data
You can request the personal data we hold about you in a structured, common and machine-readable form at You are completely free to transfer this information to third parties.

Right to be forgotten
If you no longer wish to use our services, you can request the deletion of all your personal data. You can request us to delete all your data at any time at or by letter at the address De Brauwweg 20-30, 3125 AE Schiedam.

In addition, you may withdraw any consent you have given to process your data at any time. We will cease processing your personal data for which you had consented. However, withdrawing your consent will not affect any processing that has already taken place.

Procedure, response time and costs
We try to process your requests as mentioned in this chapter as soon as possible, but at the latest within one month. We are obliged to verify your identity before your requests can be fulfilled. Your requests will in principle be processed electronically, unless this is not possible or you request otherwise.

In principle, we will not charge you for processing your aforementioned requests, unless your requests are excessive, manifestly unfounded or if you request additional copies when exercising the right of inspection.

If there is a (suspected) data breach, for example, you suspect loss or unauthorised access to personal data, please let us know immediately via the e-mail address

Much attention is paid to the content and composition of this website. Nevertheless People 21 B.V. cannot guarantee that the information on the website is always correct and complete. Neither can People 21 B.V. guarantee the continuous availability and smooth operation of the website. People 21 B.V. excludes any liability in this respect, except in case of intent or gross negligence of People 21 B.V. People 21 B.V. has the right to suspend the availability of the website, for example in connection with adjustments or maintenance. In addition People 21 B.V. reserves the right to remove, alter or discontinue the information and services offered on the website without prior notice.

People 21 B.V. reserves the right to amend or change this privacy statement. None of the provisions of the privacy statement are intended to create any obligation or agreement between People 21 B.V. and a data subject.

Other provisions

The provisions of this privacy statement and any disputes arising from them are governed by Dutch law.